For lovers of sweet snacks, traditional foods people should try to Sumbawa Besar,West Nusa Tenggara, precisely in the Village Filters, Northern District of Moyo,Sumbawa regency. The food is caramel candy made ​​from fresh buffalo milk.

It was a sweet, savory, and full of nutrients to local residents began to make a living.One of them is Siti Aishah. Home-based business is doing now capable ofproducing milk caramel candy as much as seven to eight pounds.

Not only sold in the region of Sumbawa, orders from outside the city such as Jakartabegan to arrive. Unfortunately the limitations of buffalo milk raw material to makeAisha is unable to meet orders the buffalo milk caramel candies.

How to make caramel candy buffalo milk is also not difficult. Materials needed onlyfresh buffalo milk and sugar with a ratio of two to one. A mixture of buffalo milk andsugar can turn into caramel after three hours of stirring and heated on medium heat.

Now the buffalo milk caramel candy makers expect any help from the localgovernment for the supply of raw materials in the form of buffalo milk to their home-based business can grow.